1.1. The area in front of the Base is used ONLY for starting and landing kites. After removing the kite, the lines should be rolled on the bar. (The area will be marked with flags)
1.2. All activities endangering the safety of people in the water and on the beach are FORBIDDEN in the area of BSC (jumping, tricks, training, etc.).
1.3. Training can be performed to the left or right of the start area, at a distance of not less than 200 meters.
2.1. After landing, the lines are wound on the bar (mandatory).
2.2. The boards are placed next to the kite or moved to the upper end of the beach.
2.3. The boards with foil wings are kept at the upper end of the beach.
3.1. The KITERS entering have an advantage over the outgoing ones.
3.2. Движещите се надясно са с предимство( пропускат се надветрено).Подветрените кайтове се снижават, надветрените се вдигат.
3.3. All jumps and tricks should be performed at a distance of at least 50 meters from the shore and must be outside the starting area.
3.4. Фойл и уейв кайтисти дават предимство на всички останали. Доунвинд пускането е забранено в зоната за стартиране.
* в двата края на зоната за стартиране ще бъдат поставени допълнително Информационни табели и знамена.
4. THE RULES OF THE BEACH are Mandatory for absolutely everyone in order to protect the safety of people on the beach and in the water. Anyone who does NOT want to follow the General rules of beach safety is free to use the beach outside the base, at their own risk.